Algarve Outdoor Tours

Coronavirus policy

Portuguese flag Versão portuguesa

Previous Covid Algarve Protocol (2020-2022)

Covid-19 measures

Currently there are no special Covid measure in place. The information on this website is for informational purpose and there are no restrictions at the time of writing in April 2024.

Clean & Safe

Outdoor Tours is compliant, and committed to comply, with health safety recommendations issued by the National Tourism Authority according to National Health Authority guidelines:
✅ Requirements for companies (PDF)
✅ Benefits for you as a visitor
✅ Europe travel advice

clean & safe coronavirus policy

Health and Safety on our tours

  • cough or sneeze into the forearm or use a paper handkerchief, which should then be immediately thrown in the rubbish
  • always clean your hands after coughing or sneezing and after blowing your nose
  • avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands
  • avoiding (when possible) close contact with clients and colleagues such as handshakes, kisses, face-to-face meetings
  • avoid sharing food, utensils, cups and towels.

We have outlined below our Coronavirus policy for Outdoor Tours and Nature Activities.
Every activity has been screened on how we interact with each other.
We also looked at lunch places, transport and how to clean equipment.

Use of facemask

Currently it is not required to use any facemasks

Wash your hands

We advise washing your hands with soap and water as much as possible and especially before and after touching our bike and helmet and entering our car. Wash hands for at least 20 seconds and see more advice at NHS or WHO websites on how to best wash your hands. If soap and water is not available please use alcohol based hand sanitisers.

Maintain distance

Currently there are no guidelines and no restrictions about distance in Portugal.

Sterilisation of our equipment

All equipment will be cleaned and sterilised after each activity. This is for:

  • bike helmets. See more here:
  • cycling gloves: our cycling gloves will be washed in our washing machine at 60º C after use.
  • mountain bikes: after each bike tour the bikes will be washed with a mix of water and soap. This will be applied with a hand brush and washed off with a power jet. Especially the handlebar, shifters, brake handles and the seat and seat clamp will be cleaned thoroughly.

Hand hygiene tools available

As part of our coronavirus policy we have the following in place:

  • Soap dispenser
  • Self-closing tap in the bathroom, so no need to touch the tap with your clean hands
  • Wall mounted tissue paper dispenser in our bathroom
  • Paper bin with a swing cover, no need to touch anything
  • Alcohol sanitisers at 70º at the entrance area and in our car

Lunch options

During our bike and walking tours we will stop at a small tavern to enjoy a locally prepared lunch.
There are public toilets with hand washing facilities.


We offer uphill transport for the downhill bike tours from the coast to Mount Foia at 902 mtrs.

On the PRIVATE tour you will only happen with the people of your own family or household.

Our coronavirus policy excludes certain participants

We do love to go cycling with you. It is our passion, and we truly believe by riding a bike
it is the best way to be amazed by the beauty of nature that the interior of the Algarve has to offer.
Some people are at much greater risk from coronavirus than others.
Therefore at the moment with the current government’s guidelines we have to postpone reservations from the following people:

  • Everyone aged 75 or above, regardless of how healthy they are.
  • People of any age with specific underlying conditions.
  • People with medical conditions included
    • long-term respiratory problems, such as asthma, bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); 
    • heart disease, such as heart failure; 
    • chronic kidney or liver disease; 
    • neurological conditions, including Parkinson’s and MS, 
    • problems with the spleen, including sickle cell disease, 
    • anyone with a weakened immune system, such as those with HIV/Aids, or on steroids or chemotherapy. 
  • People who are obese, with a BMI of 40 or more, 
  • Those who are pregnant are also in the high-risk group.
  • People who have had organ replacements and are on immuno-suppressants.
  • with cancer who are on chemo- or radio-therapy, people with bone marrow or blood cancers, such as leukaemia
  • with severe asthma, cystic fibrosis and other serious chest problems
  • people with other serious medical conditions

Drink water

It is known that drinking a few sips of water frequently will help to stay hydrated

As usual, we provide all clients with plenty of water to drink from our cool boxes before, during and after the tour.
We believe that beer does the same, so we will still give to stop for a beer after every bike tour 🙂

Symptoms & change your tour

We handle a no-hassle policy for refunds should you feel you are not able to do an activity with us. See here for our cancelation policy and contact Frank anytime.

Should you have the symptoms of Covid in the Algarve such as fever, coughing and difficulties breathing, please contact the National Health Services in Portugal at telephone +351 808 24 24 24 or go to

Hopefully, this coronavirus will not affect you and your loved ones. We are looking forward to seeing you soon.


Phone/ WhatsApp +351 912 120 123 🇵🇹 🇳🇱 🇬🇧 🇩🇪

There is no scientific proof in the advice below.

coronavirus policy
coronavirus policy

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